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Julien Mayfair

At 15 years old, he was running the plantation, "Riverbend" with
Augustin, then eventually taking over completely.
At his 18th birthday supper, he "accidently" shot his Uncle Augustin in
the head with a new pistol. It is said they were wrestling with the gun
and it accidently went off. Another story is that Julien challenged
Augustin's honesty, at which point he threatened to blow his own brains
out and Julien tried to stop him. No one was ever charged in any case.
Throughout his lifetime, he remained the manager of Riverbend, even
though it was Katherine who inherited it. He left the famly home at
Riverbend after an enormous family squabble when he would not permit
Katherine to marry Darcy Monahan. He moved into a flat in the French
Quarter with a male companion, it was whispered that they were
lovers. Julien was so angry about Katherine's marriage, that he would
not visit her. At Riverbend, in 1863, Julien, Katherine and Darcy had a
violent quarrel where Darcy begged Julien to accept him and to be
affectionate and reasonable with his sister.
In 1875, Julien married Suzette Mayfair, a descendant cousin. He loved
her dearly, having commissioned no less than ten portraits of her in their
first years of marriage. They had three sons and a daughter, Jeanette.
They lived in First Street with Remy and his wife and children.
It is speculated tht he and not Katherine was actually the witch of that
era, making him the eight witch. As Marguerite grew older, Julien
exhibited more power.
Julien had black hair that turned completely white when he was still
quite young. It is said that Julien strongly resembled his ancestors,
Deborah Mayfair and Petyr van Abel, who in no way resembled each
other. He is a combination of the two forebearers.
It is said Julien handed out gold foreign coins as if they were copper.
Into old age, he would often ride his chestnut mare up St Charles Ave to
Carrolton and back, tossing coins to black children he passed.
After his death, four stories were printed in the newspaper from
witnesses saying they saw his ghost riding through the mist on St
Charles Ave.
Servants would often see Julien come out of one room to see him in
another. Many servants quit as they could not cope with the "strange
Monsieur Julien". It is speculated that it was Lasher and that they
looked and dressed similiar.
After Suzette died, Julien spent less time at Riverbend. His children
were brought up entirely at First Street.
Julien made a consideable wealth and left it to Mary Beth even though
she was the designee of the Legacy.
Suzette was an apparent disapointment to Julien and died young due to
having four children so young. Jeanette was the only child of theirs with
psychic abilites and it seems she could see Lasher much to her shock,
constantly screaming and running from the house, she also died young.
His sons, Barclay and Garland died in their sixties and Cortland at eighty
years of age.
Julien made an office at First Street in the library where he had
bookcases built into the wall and they were stocked with many Mayfair
records which had previously been kept at the plantation. Many of these
books were very old and written in Latin. Katherine remained at the
plantation during this time as she and Julien were often quarrelling, but
Mary Beth always brought him back. He was always swooping down
upon her with cartloads of gifts and stealing her away for weeks on end
in New Orleans.
Julien was 19 yrs old when his mother died. When she died, it began to
rain and the wind was extremely strong, banging shutters and causing
leaves to fall, which delighted Julien. He opened all the windows and let
in the rain. With his eyes fall of tears, he kissed his mother, closed her
eyes and took the doll from her and put it inside his coat. He eventually
became miserable and knelt down and buried his face in the covers
beside her.
He had two main male lovers - a quadroom, Victor Gregoire and an
Englishman, Richard Llewellyn. Victor was possibly a descendant from
Peter Fontenay Mayfair, twin of Jeanne Louise Mayfair. Richard
Llewellyn is the only observer of Julien ever personally interviewed by a
member of the Talamasca. He has given some of the most intimate
glimpses of the Mayfair's. His account can be found in "The Witching
Hour" from page 504.
Julien had a stroke in 1914 and died four months later.

Julien fathered many children over the decades, through marriage and incest.
He was one of the most powerful Mayfair witches and was part of Lasher's
design to become flesh.

Julien's line fathered the witches that would bring Lasher into the flesh and end
his existance. His line also fathered a Taltos, Lasher's ultimate dream.

You will see many lines crossed to produce the witches, not only from Julien,
but also from his son, Cortland.

Julien's children and with whom:

Katherine Mayfair = Mary Beth
Suzette Mayfair = Jeanette, Barclay, Garland, Cortland
Mary Beth Mayfair = Belle
Evelyn Mayfair = Laura Lee
Sister Bridget Marie (Mayfair) = Michael O'Brien

Julien's connection with the mother of Lasher: Rowan

Julien Mayfair + Mary Beth = Stella
Stella Mayfair + Cortland Mayfair = Antha
Antha Mayfair + Sean Lacy = Deirdre
Deirdre Mayfair + Cortland Mayfair = Rowan
Rowan Mayfair + Michael Mayfair = Lasher

Julien's connection with the killer of Lasher: Michael

Julien Mayfair + Sister Bridget Marie (Mayfair) = Michael O'Brien
Michael O'Brien + Wife = Alaister
Alaister Curry + Wife = Tim
Tim Curry + Wife = Michael Curry
Michael Curry + Rowan = Lasher

Julien's connection with the Taltos: Morrigan

Julien Mayfair + Evelyn Mayfair = Laura Lee
Laura Lee Mayfair + Husband = Alicia
Alicia Mayfair + Patrick = Mona
Mona Mayfair + Michael Curry = Morrigan

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